Charitable Initiatives

Be part of a life changing!
A Home For My Family, is a housing program that aims to help our most disadvantaged yet deserving employees by providing the invaluable security of a decent and safe new home! The Winners will be selected among low income families that have children or elders through a criteria based on merit, need, and years worked at their respective factories, together with the collaboration of Espejo Constructora, a well-known building company located in Santiago, and the help of people like you, we want to change their lives by providing stability and a sense of well-being in the best way possible. Help us achieve this goal!

Donations to non profits organizations
Voluntariado Jesus con los niños
El voluntariado Jesus con los Niños is a nonprofit organization founded on January 27th 1997 by a group of women in the city of Santiago with the purpose of uniting efforts to help the Dr. Arturo Grullon Children’s Hospital. It has been very important for our organization to share directly in the hospital with the children and families as a way of alleviating the burden by having a message of love that brings us together.
It is our commitment to raise funds to support the different aid programs we offer such as:
* Dra. Thelma Rosario Children’s Burns Unit
*Dr. Tolentino’s Children’s Oncology Unit
*Service Volunteer Program
*Nutrition Aid and Protein Bank Program
*General Aid Program
Our organization is as capable as will itself. We are certain that “For God, everything is possible”
Hospicio San Vicente Paul
The Sociedad San Vicente de Paúl, Inc. is a non-profit institution founded in 1923 to provide a dignified and compassionate shelter for the vulnerable and disadvantaged elderly of the community of Santiago and the surrounding region, as well as to promote a culture of solidarity and respect for the aging.
In its Hospicio, the Sociedad San Vicente de Paúl, Inc. is committed to helping the elders who suffer due to poverty and loneliness, by offering them a home where they are provided an integral care that guarantees them a better quality of life and a worthy and dignified existence. The Hospicio is directed by the Congregation of Hermanas Dominicas de la Presentación de la Santísima Vírgen and has 75 residents, both male and female.