Procigar Festival

Be Part of the Ultimate Cigar Journey in the Heart of the Caribbean!

16th - 21st FEBRUARY

A truly unique and unforgettable experience

The Procigar Festival was created by the Association of the Dominican Cigar Manufacturers (PROCIGAR), an unforgettable experience in the cigar industry, combining educational opportunities, entertainment, and a large number of exclusives premium cigars.

The Festival promotes the Dominican tobacco industry strengthening our current position as exporters of the finest premium cigars in the world.

Meet and get to know the most recognized Master Blenders worldwide

The event starts in La Romana, in the eastern coast, where you can visit the biggest cigar factory and continues in Santiago de los Caballeros, the cigar capital of the world, for a circuit of simultaneous tours where guests can participate in guided visits to the most exclusive premium cigar factories and tobacco fields, as well as leisure tours that promote the Dominican Republic. Each day culminates with a grand dinner were more than 800 national and international guests gather to celebrate the Dominican tobacco industry.

16th - 21st FEBRUARY

Registration includes:

  • Cigar factories and tobacco field tours
  • New and unreleased cigars
  • Lunch with the gurus of the cigar industry
  • Insightful seminars, contests and beach activities
  • Admission to dinner parties (Premium Open Bar)
  • Premium cigars during tours and dinners
  • Amazing excursions
  • Transportation to all tours and dinners from main hotels
  • Complimentary official festival goodie bag*

*Premium Goodie Bag will be given when you register for all the activities in Santiago (Valued at over US$450).

*Regular Goodie Bag will be given when you choose at least four activities in Santiago (It applies for tours and dinners).

Transportations to tours and dinners will be provided from the main hotels.

Airfare and hotel expenses are not included in the festival fee.

Exclusive Procigar discounts at hotels are offered. Rooms are subject to availability.

Registration is open to consumers, retailers, press and suppliers. Only cigar brands manufactured by the members of Procigar are allowed at the festival activities.

Must be over 21 to attend.